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Boyf*is_me] (Федор Коровин, id 68079)
Points: 4,097.13 / Colonel / Colonel
Residence permit: (Russian Federation, Stavropol'skiy Kray, Stavropol)
Status: captain of team Говяжьи Головы
Date of birth: 14 July (Age: 37 years)
Registration date: 6 April 2008
Attestate: is issued 15 May 2008 by the administrator air
Rating (?) Games Title
Quest 8.83 list (45) The best author's real game:
#687/66508 Тайны ночного города QI: 10
Points 9.33 list (52) The best author's Points game:
#599/58345 Спецотряд EN QI: 10
Brainstorm 6.79 list (6) The best author's brainstorm game:
#42/20612 Мафия. ENтернационал vs ENтернационал QI: 10
PhotoHunt 6.61 list (4) The best author's Photohunt game:
#379/33975 КоммENтатор: me, me, and me again. QI: 9.93
PhotoExtreme 6.6 list (4) The best author's Photoextreme game:
#196/57031 Фото с Кэшинга 2 QI: 10
GeoCaching 2.41 list (1) The best author's Caching game:
#386/34436 In sEarch of the dragoN QI: 8.18
Competition 2.95 list (1) Competition_The best author's game:
#394/35443 Видеоконкурс ко дню рождения QI: 10

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