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BoyRalf (Павел, id 2346)
Points: 5,094.82 / Colonel-general / Colonel-general
Residence permit: (Belarus, Minskaya obl., Minsk)
Status: captain of team WooDoo
Date of birth: 3 October (Age: 40 years)
Registration date: 27 October 2005
Attestate: is issued 8 November 2018 by the administrator Техподдержка Сети
Rating (?) Games Title
Quest 2.95 list (2) The best author's real game:
#612/68933 У нас на районе. Минский уикэнд. QI: 10
Brainstorm 8.99 list (82) The best author's brainstorm game:
#565/66823 Island Escape. ПАНОРАМЫ QI: 10
Quiz 4.92 list (2) The best author's quiz game:
#603/68451 Бонус №3 к игре XG QI: 10
PhotoHunt 9.46 list (81) The best author's Photohunt game:
#583/67622 Скажешь тост? QI: 10
PhotoExtreme 7.26 list (5) The best author's Photoextreme game:
#671/71407 Серийные автоманьяки QI: 10
GeoCaching 4.92 list (2) The best author's Caching game:
#494/64036 Буратино в стране Google QI: 9.93

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